Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Go to Washington...

There are two times that I really eat well, when Amy comes to visit or when I go to visit her. It helps of coarse that her in-laws make good food too. :) It was fun to go to Washington to visit my family there but a week was a really long time. I could have done three days and been good but once the tickets where bought and I was already there it was too late to change the plan. Christmas was pretty good, it was nice to watch my nephews open their presents and I was feeling pretty cool that I was able to get good gifts for them. (All though the real hero there is Amy cause she told me what to buy) While I was there I also got to stand around in the cold while five supposedly intelligent men struggled to put together a play set for my brother-in-laws brother-in-law. It was good that we flew there though cause I love flying, I wish we could have done a few touch and goes before actually heading back to the Salt Lake airport but I guess the pilot was not on the same page as me. And of coarse Mom and I forgot out peanut butter sandwiches in Washington..... :'( I think it would be fun to go back there next Christmas too.... as long as I don't have to sleep on that hard mattress again or share a room with a loudly snoring old lady and can spend a little less time there. LOL, that almost makes it sound like I didn't enjoy myself.


Amy @ Run Mom Run said...

Wow, you really know how to dish out the compliments.

Scottieo said...

I did forget to mention that I was really impressed with what great parents you and Vaughn are.

Gail Richardson said...

Yeah - the beds weren't the best and my room mate sniffled a lot! But it was a good time. Like Vaughn told you it was a noisy room at night!

Stephanie Oram said...

I'm glad you were able to spend time in Washington with Amy. Wish we could have been there. I thought you got fed well when you game to my house too... ;D